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Examples of some of the various screwplug sizes available, these are undrilled, therefore can be used as a blanking plate or for our customers who are unsure of their requirements, to screw into their socket before anything is manufactured bespoke. Very useful!
This is the simple version,
BSP “ |
1/2 | .825 |
5/8 | .902 |
3/4 | 1.041 |
7/8 | 1.189 |
1 | 1.309 |
1 & 1/4 | 1.650 |
1 & 1/2 | 1.882 |
1 & 3/4 | 2.116 |
2 | 2.347 |
2 &1/4 | 2.537 |
2 & 1/2 | 2.95 |
…and this is the complicated version,
Thread Form Type | Major Diameter mm d=D | Pitch mm p | Threads per inch tpi | Pitch Diameter mm d2=D2 | Minor Diameter Male Thd. d3 | Thread Height H1 | Tap Drill Diameter mm | |
1/8 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 9.728 | 0.907 | 28 | 9.147 | 8.566 | 0.581 | 8.7 |
1/4 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 13.157 | 1.337 | 19 | 12.301 | 11.445 | 0.856 | 11.6 |
3/8 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 16.662 | 1.337 | 19 | 15.806 | 14.95 | 0.856 | 15 |
1/2 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 20.955 | 1.814 | 14 | 19.793 | 18.631 | 1.162 | 19 |
5/8 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 22.911 | 1.814 | 14 | 21.749 | 20.587 | 1.162 | 20.75 |
3/4 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 26.441 | 1.814 | 14 | 25.279 | 24.117 | 1.162 | 24.5 |
7/8 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 30.201 | 1.814 | 14 | 29.039 | 27.877 | 1.162 | 28 |
1 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 33.249 | 2.309 | 11 | 31.77 | 30.291 | 1.479 | 30.5 |
1 1/8 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 37.897 | 2.309 | 11 | 36.418 | 34.939 | 1.479 | 35 |
1 1/4 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 41.91 | 2.309 | 11 | 40.431 | 38.952 | 1.479 | 39.5 |
1 3/8 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 44.323 | 2.309 | 11 | 42.844 | 41.365 | 1.479 | 41.5 |
1 1/2 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 47.803 | 2.309 | 11 | 46.324 | 44.845 | 1.479 | 45 |
1 3/4 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 53.746 | 2.309 | 11 | 52.267 | 50.788 | 1.479 | 51 |
2 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 59.614 | 2.309 | 11 | 58.135 | 56.656 | 1.479 | 57 |
2 1/4 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 65.71 | 2.309 | 11 | 64.231 | 62.752 | 1.479 | 63 |
2 1/2 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 75.184 | 2.309 | 11 | 73.705 | 72.226 | 1.479 | 72.5 |
2 3/4 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 81.534 | 2.309 | 11 | 80.055 | 78.576 | 1.479 | 79 |
3 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 87.884 | 2.309 | 11 | 86.405 | 84.926 | 1.479 | 85.5 |
3 1/4 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 93.98 | 2.309 | 11 | 92.501 | 91.022 | 1.479 | 91 |
3 1/2 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 100.33 | 2.309 | 11 | 98.351 | 97.372 | 1.479 | 97.75 |
3 3/4 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 106.68 | 2.309 | 11 | 105.201 | 103.722 | 1.479 | 104 |
4 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 113.03 | 2.309 | 11 | 111.55 | 110.072 | 1.479 | 110.5 |
4 1/2 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 125.73 | 2.309 | 11 | 124.251 | 122.772 | 1.479 | 123 |
5 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 138.43 | 2.309 | 11 | 136.951 | 135.472 | 1.479 | 136 |
5 1/2 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 151.13 | 2.309 | 11 | 149.651 | 148.172 | 1.479 | 148.5 |
6 “ | BSPP/BSPF | 163.83 | 2.309 | 11 | 162.351 | 160.872 | 1.479 | 161.5 |
I hope these are useful for reference purposes.
More importantly for us, on a daily basis, are the following limitations as to what will fit onto the smaller screwplug sizes. We deal with up to 2.25″ only, with 2.5″ being accommodated by fitting a brass adaptor to 2.25″ screwplug.
2.25″ | TROMBONE 2 STAT | |
2″ | TROMBONE 1 STAT | |
1.75″ | TROMBONE 1 STAT | |
1.5″ | 3 HAIRPINS 1 STAT | |
1.25″ | 3 HAIRPINS NO STAT |
Anything smaller than a 1.25″ screwplug will be limited to 1 element, having immediate implications for the achievable watts density. Likewise, being limited to U bends only, makes reducing the watts density more problematic. Many domestic and commercial plumbing applications use 1.5″BSP, and are thus limited to 3 hairpins and only 1 stat pocket. maximising the immersed length of those U’s is all that can be done to reduce the watts density. To overcome the issue of only 1 stat pocket, we find ourselves increasingly selling dual control and cutout stats.
By hairpin, we mean a U bent element, and trombone indicates double looped. To determine what element is suitable, for U’s you merely double the maximum immersed length available, ie, 24″ immersed length will use u bent 48″ elements. However, if double looping is possible due to the screwplug size and other factors relating to the application (cleaning, etc), that 24″ maximum immersed length could be multiplied by up to 3.5, allowing the use of 84″ elements. See the watts density article to appreciate what a difference that will make. 48″ to 84″ almost double the hot element available, so is almost going to halve the watts density. A big issue on little screwplugs.